Martin’s Lane Winery

2018 - Kelowna, BC

Meiklejohn Architects, as the local architect of record, worked with the design architect, Olson Kundig from Seattle Washington, on this 35,000sqft winery that took home the American Institute of Architecture 2021 National Honor Award. Martin’s Lane is located on hills above Lake Okanagan adjacent to Cedar Creek Winery, another project Meiklejohn Architects worked on and owned by the Mark Anthony Group.

The building is comprised of the offices, a wine lab and tasting rooms overlooking the state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. The building is clad in a rusted corrugated metal cladding and the elongated rectilinear form mirrors the site slope to utilize a gravity fed manufacturing process to produce some of the most revered wines in the Okanagan.

Project Data

Status: Completed, 2018
Owner: Mark Anthony Group
Staff: Collin Crabbe: Principal + Permitting
Recognition: American Institute of Architects | National Honor Award