1151 Sunset Drive
2018 - Kelowna, BC
1151 Sunset Drive formed part of the resurgence of the residential market in downtown Kelowna and is sited on a major downtown street opposite several amenities. Since its completion there have been other significant developments along Sunset Drive which are transforming the north end of Kelowna into a mixed-use neighbourhood in keeping with the City’s vision.
Initially known as the ICON; the project is a 109 unit 21-story condominium tower originally planned and permitted by the Hulbert Group until work was stopped in the 2008 recession. Kerkoff Construction engaged our office to ‘re-start’ and rework the project design in 2016 after the site lay partially developed for several years. Sunset Drive is lined with close to ground level townhomes with stairs leading up to terraced patios. The large amenity roof deck houses a pool, extensive landscaping and a reflecting pool. On the first floor amenities include a business centre, large lounge, and fitness room.
Project Data
Status: Completed, 2018
Floor Area: 140,000 sf
Owner: Kerkoff Construction
Staff: Jim Meiklejohn – Principal + Project Architect
Shirley Ng – Production + Permitting