Maple Ridge SPCA
2008 - Maple Ridge, BC
The Maple Ridge SPCA facility is approximately 6,500 square feet, incorporating modern animal welfare designs such as shared “apartments” for dogs to increase socialization, communal indoor-outdoor areas for cats, designated areas for temperament and behaviour assessments, a sophisticated ventilation system to reduce the spread of airborne disease, and a large multi-purpose room that can be used for training, education and other community uses.
The facility features some of North America’s most progressive animal welfare designs and is B.C.’s first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited animal shelter. The LEED rating system promotes sustainability by recognizing performance in the areas of sustainable site development, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. The District and the BC SPCA are hoping the facility will meet criteria to become the first Gold-level LEED accredited animal centre in Canada.
Project Data
Status: Completed, 2008
Floor Area: 6,500 sf
Owner: SPCA
Staff: Jim Meiklejohn – Principal + Project Architect
Shirley Ng – Production + Permitting