Gold, Silver & Lead
2021 - Kelowna, BC
Meiklejohn Architects worked with the Kelowna Art Gallery in the role of ‘approvals coordinator’ on its newest addition to its sculpture collection. Gold, Silver, and Lead by artist Jed Lind. We met with the various City departments and engineers working on the project to coordinate the foundation works in advance of the art installation.
See text below from the Kelowna Art Gallery’s membership update regarding the piece.
The 25-foot-tall sculpture features seven abstracted car bodies that are stacked vertically. The cars, crafted from epoxy coated steel plate, appear to deteriorate and disassemble as they climb upward, becoming nearly unrecognizable by the time they reach their highest point.
Jed Lind uses the iconic 1979 Honda Civic as the model for this sculpture, capturing the spirit of its original design as a modern, yet humble, car of the future. Designed as a response to the oil crises of the 1970s when much of North America was forced to ration available gasoline, the fuel-efficient Civic was seen as the way forward.
Project Data
Status: Installed, 2021
Owner: Kelowna Art Gallery (gift by Artist)
Staff: Stoke Tonne – Approvals Coordination